DUSHANBE, 16.09.2019. (NIAT Khovar) – The Press Center of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security (SCNS) of Tajikistan reports that contrary to previously signed agreements, on September 16 at 18:45 the Kyrgyz side began construction of an unknown structure on the territory of the sports ground in mahalla Bahor of the rural jamoat Ovchi-Kalacha in Bobojon Gafurov district of the Sughd province. Residents of Bahor opposed these illegal actions of the Kyrgyz citizens and demanded of them to stop construction work.
Солҳои 2022-2026 дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон бо пешниҳоди Сарвари давлат "Солҳои рушди соҳаи саноат" эълон карда шуд.
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Обу ҳавои Қубодиён барои 8 рӯз
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Даҳсолаи байналмилалии амал
«Об барои рушди устувор»,
солҳои 2018-2028